It is an ability of a set of inherent characteristics of a system Product/Service, Systems, or Process to fulfill requirements of customer and other interested parties In simple words, it is meeting the specifications.

Some of the Dictionary meaning of Quality

  • A distinguished attribute
  • Degree of excellence
  • Degree of goodness or worth
  • A superior or high rank or skill
  • That which may be relied upon-reliability
  • Trustworthiness
  • Achievement in a consistent manner
  • Having always the same form


ISO provides challenge and opportunity to the developing countries, as it has become an intrisic quality requirement, to compete in the global market. Following are some of the overall benefits of going in for an ISO certification although it purely depends up to what extends and how you represent such certification and its advantages to your customers and how you produce the overall impact on the market and carryout your image building.

Some of the Benefits of ISO are:

  • Effective systems and quality procedures resulting in streamlined workflow and improved quality of work
  • Satisfying customers through consistent high leve of product quality
  • Reduction in wastage, rejections and rework
    Enhance image in market
  • Promotion of exports
  • Encouragement to learning, team work and coordination


ISO tells to fulfill the requiremets of customer. Organization will define the customer & their Requirements. Basic Concept of ISO is Plan your system of working, document it and generate records for the analysis and improvement action.


International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an International organization established to promote standardization among various countries and Industries in order to facilitate trade and exchange. The results of ISO’s technical work are published as International Standards. 

The System Consist:

  • Marketing
  • Purchasing
  • Production
  • Inspection
  • Store & Dispatch
  • After Sales Services

In today’s competitive market, manufacturers have to satisfy the ever-changing needs of customers and also improve continuously. So it becomes essential to work harmoniously in all aspect of our business from receipt of the customer’s enquiry, through all stages of production, marketing, delivery, installation and after sales services. To meet this need, ISO developed ‘Quality System’ Standards that are applicable to all functional activities affecting product quality. ISO guides in establishing and maintaining an effective quality system. These are minimum requirements and can be used by an organization irrespective of size, products and nature of business.

How can we are as an Employee Contribute?

  • Understand and accept Quality Policy and the overall Quality Objectives of the Organization
  • Understand and work towards the department specific Quality Objectives as laid down for my department
  • Understand and follow the procedure laid down for my work and my department
  • Satisfy external as well as internal customer, i.e. the next department where my work or service goes
  • Wholehearted participation in reducing wastage, rejection and rework
  • Keep work place neat and tidy and help in housekeeping

Our overall Quality Objectives

Marketing is a process itself Purchasing is a process itself Contract Order is a INPUT for Purchase Department

  • To achieve Annual Targets
  • To reduce Customer Complaints
  • To ensure Timely Services
  • To ensure Enhance Market Shares
  • To develop competencies in all works of Company
  • To meet Customer’s expectations
  • To Increase Satisfaction



Eight Quality Management Principles

have been identified that can be used by Top Management in order to Lead the
Organization towards Improved Performance

Preparing for ISO

  • Creating Organization Awareness
  • Documentation of Procedures in all functions related to Quality
  • Verification of all Procedures in accordance with guidelines stipulated in ISO
  • Implementation of all procedures in all fuctions
  • Reviewing the implementation through Internal Quality Audit System and taking Corrective Action wherever required.
  • Compliance Audit by Independent Third Party and taking Corrective Action on shortfalls, if any Assessment and Certification by an International Certification Agency
  • Continuous Surveillance by international Certification Agency